Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Review : Marrey's Kosupureshoppu

Hello! This is my first ever review.
I decided to start this blog because, well, I have a lot of free time, and I tend to buy a lot of things. And I mean a LOT. Ha.

First ever review!
So, I started getting interested in Cosplay, and I decided to order a costume for the first time.

So last month I commissioned a dress w/ warmers and a choker from her, and received it a couple weeks ago. Don't mind the necklace. Or the face. Or the dark skin. o3o
Yui! >////<

(Before you ask about the colors, I had it so it was all pink, since there wasn't an available sightly darker pink  to make up for the dual-tone.)

Here's my opinion;

The owner of the shop is super nice (and young o.o) And is easy to talk to. :) As for the dress I bought, after seeing the pictures here from her other customers I got super excited about having this made. They're cheap, too!

When I received the costume I was just a little disappointed, though.

The choker is completely fine. It took me a couple minutes to figure out how t wear it correctly, though. xD

The bottom part of the top was only cut (meaning it wasn't sewn in), and so were the ends of the warmers, so I can't wear it too long (that or I just won't move at all) without the parts fraying.
 I tried to fix the top with a white cloth on the inside. I succeeded in making sure it didn't fray anymore, but I made the costume look funny now since there's just a random white cloth sewn into the inside of it. It can be used as a pocket, I guess.
The top was fine except for that part, actually.
The skirt looked a little funny in my opinion. I was expecting more of a 'flower' look to it, but as you can see, it doesn't look much like that at all. (Spiky things?)
And the ribbons on the side aren't supposed to be ribbons. I don't know how to describe what they're supposed to be. But if you picture an upside-down flower, you'll understand what I mean.

All in all, the service was good. I guess it's just the costume itself that kinda looks funny to me. I never commissioned anything before here in the Philippines so I'm not sure if this is normal or what x.x

So.. yeah.

Service : 8/10 Owner easy to talk to, listened to all our requests, was pretty cheap too
Product Outcome : 6/10 It's usable, but since I'm super picky with things I might not be wearing this anytime soon.
Would I come back? : Of course. Maybe I'll have school uniforms commissioned, or something easier to follow. I understand that this request was sorta difficult since the design itself isn't what people would normally ask for.

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